sexta-feira, 31 de maio de 2013

domingo, 26 de maio de 2013

I´ll be there for you

Banda Sonora: Friends! (click)

Hoje se recomeca e continua a vida!

Banda Sonora: O Primeiro dia, de Sérgio Godinho (click)

A principio é simples, anda-se sózinho
Passa-se nas ruas bem devagarinho
Pouco a pouco o passo faz-se vagabundo
Dá-se a volta ao medo, dá-se a volta ao mundo
E é então que amigos nos oferecem leito
Entra-se cansado e sai-se refeito
Enfim duma escolha faz-se um desafio
Enfrenta-se a vida de fio a pavio
Navega-se sem mar, sem vela ou navio
Bebe-se a coragem até dum copo vazio
E entretanto o tempo fez cinza da brasa
E outra maré cheia virá da maré vaza
Nasce um novo dia e no braço outra asa
Brinda-se aos amores com o vinho da casa
E vem-nos à memória uma frase batida
Hoje é o primeiro dia do resto da tua vida.

quinta-feira, 23 de maio de 2013

Count Down...

Lisboa... por Melody Gardot

Melody Gardot (born February 2, 1985) is a Grammy-nominated American singer, writer and musician in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, though she considers herself a "citizen of the world"Because of these severe injuries she was confined to her hospital bed for a year and had to remain lying on her back
And so from her accident to her first performances, her music career was born. “It was a most unusual start, but when you come from a place where things are tough it makes it that much easier to appreciate the times when life is easy”, she said

She recalls that while on the treadmill learning to walk again, she would listen to Stan Getz's The Bossa Nova Years album. Because Gardot could not sit comfortably at a piano, she learned to play guitar on her back while in the hospital and shortly after began to write her own music. During her recovery, she wrote material that later became part of a five song EP, “Some Lessons: The Bedroom Sessions” that Gardot produced herself.Gardot was reluctant to record her songs at first, stating that they were too private for the public to hear. However she soon relented and her songs were soon being played on a Philadelphia radio station.
She was introduced to macrobiotics by a friend who lent her a book on its benefits. She began to experiment and cook for several hours a day. As well as reducing her pain levels, she believes that macrobiotics helped her mental ability to cope with pain, helping her relax as the routine of cooking helped take her mind off her physical condition and she also found that she was able to sleep more easily.
in Wikipedia

quarta-feira, 22 de maio de 2013

All in the family

É costume dizer-se que se nos metemos com um cigano aparece de imediato a familia toda...
Sentir que temos um clã que nos segue e que de imediato aparece quando precisamos é algo extraordinário!

Learn from the animals

Proxima vez que te ponham em situações de risco....

Funny Animals with Captions 23

Banda sonora: Scream & Shout (click)

segunda-feira, 20 de maio de 2013


As Orquídeas são plantas que me fascinam, a cada ano vão-se um pouco abaixo mas renascem sempre mais bonitas!